Good exposure and how to recognise it
Part one of our series of posts on exposure Imagine that you'd never ever eaten pizza, you didn't really know what it looked like. You had a vague idea it might involve cheese, but you really don't know if it had tomato or involved some sort of bread. Even if you...

Behind the Scenes | The best photo of your baby is also the easiest!
Find out the recipe to this gorgeous image

Fix your focus disasters in less than 5 seconds!
You know when you take the perfect photo, the one when the stars align, your actually child looks AT the camera and smiles their magic natural smile and you clicked the shutter at just the right time. Then you take a closer look at your photo only to fall flatter...

National Photographic Portrait Prize
I’ve just returned from an exciting weekend attending the opening of the National Photographic Portrait Prize in Canberra. Especially exciting for me because one of my portraits had been selected as a finalist!! When I was phoned with the news late last year I’m...

Behind the Scenes | Take a gorgeous Mum and baby photo
Find out the recipe to this gorgeous image

I love something that’s “uncool” and I think you should too.
Ok, so I've never been accused of being super cool, and back in the 80's my name was more likely associated with being a "dag" (if your not from Oz, that's slang for someone who don't have a neat, tidy or cultured appearance), than someone who's chic and on trend, but...

Take your best first day of school photo’s ever!
It's that time of year again! Is your little one heading back to school or starting school for the first time? There's little doubt this is one of the most photographed moments of the year. Follow our five quick tips to make sure this year you capture your best...

The easy guide to gorgeous christmas card portraits
Every year, I love "subjecting" my kids to a christmas card portrait, I'm pretty sure it's the highlight of their year as well ;). Now I'll be honest, as a portrait photographer - the few months that lead up to Christmas are my busiest months of the year, so unless I...

A Mum’s guide to buying your first DSLR
Christmas is coming and you're thinking of finally splashing out on a fancy camera. You start looking around online, looking in a few shops and it doesn’t take long to realise there are more cameras to choose from than dishes at your local Chinese! How on earth do...

Behind the Scenes take a gorgeous photo of your kids at the beach
Find out the recipe to this gorgeous image