The return of the silver queen! – APPA 2016
Just a few short weeks ago, the Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPA) 2016 were held in Melbourne. For the first time in years I didn’t attend in person, but watched from afar, having only just returned from a lovely six week break with the family. And as lovely as it would be, I’m not yet in the position to take endless breaks from the business.
While I wasn’t there in person, I was there in spirit (much to my families amusement) and spent much of the three days glued to the computer watching the online judging of Australia’s top professional portraits, hoping my slightly dodgy internet would hold out and I wouldn’t miss my four images being judged.
Back in June, I was completely humbled to win the WA Professional Family Photographer of the Year for the third year in a row (I can still hardly believe that). So I decided to take three entries from that portfolio and enter them in the APPAs, swapping out just one image for a newer portrait I thought might do a little better.
Since 2012 I’ve been lucky enough to have each of my four images entered awarded with a silver or silver with distinction at APPA, a feat in consistency not many achieve and earning myself the nickname of the silver queen. Last year I went for broke and entered a serious of images I felt were my strongest ever, hoping to add a Gold image to those awards. Sadly for me the stars didn’t align and I came away with just one silver award. And no gold. It wasn’t my year.
I am very happy to report this year, the stars did align, all four images entered this year earning a silver or silver with distinction award! The silver queen returns!
This year I entered all my images in the Family Portrait category, this means that the images had to be taken at a commissioned session. No models, just my gorgeous clients and their families. It means so much to have this work recognised by my peers.
If you’d like to read a little more about the back story behind each image, just click on it and find out how I take portraits just like these everyday 🙂

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