Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned photographer, you'll find something here to help your photography grow! Guides, reviews, behind the scenes & easy to follow tutorials.

Sharing & Exporting images in Lightroom Classic CC
Why do we need to export? We’ve mentioned before, in our fast guide to getting started in Lightroom Classic CC, that Lightroom is a nondestructive editor. This means all the edits you make to your photos in Lightroom, aren’t made to the actual image file. The original...

Lightroom Classic CC Clean Edit – Start to Finish
What is a "clean edit"? “Clean Edit” is a term you hear a lot in photography circles, thankfully we aren’t talking about household chores, you can do a clean edit when your desk is in a complete shambles, just as you can clean edit a picture of your kids...

The Top Four Lightroom Classic CC Edits
I've put together the top 4 Lightroom Classic CC quick edits you’ll use over and over and over! They might be small, but mastering these four fixes, will have a BIG impact on your photos! I remember when I first started using Lightroom. I got the basics of...

Get started using Lightroom Classic CC – Fast!
A Crash Course in Lightroom Classic CC Get ready for the ultimate beginner's guide to Lightroom Classic CC! And while I promise to get you up and editing your photos in a flash, there's a lot to cover so you might want to go grab yourself a cuppa/glass/choccie and...